Welcome to a pretend Valentine celebration. It has been a long time since I have posted. There are times you just need a rest and the time to regroup. I've set the table for eight today to celebrate Valentine's Day. It would make a perfect Galentine table with red and white with gold accents and a little pink. One of these days I am going to have a real Galentine party. The camellias in my centerpiece all came from my garden and it was a thrill for me to create arrangements from my garden. We had a hard freeze forecast and my bushes were full of blooms and many buds. So I was inspired to cut my blooms and do an arrangement.
I started collecting milk glass a few years back and it has been fun to collect. My sweet daughter-in-law gave me the compote the large arrangement is in and one of the small vases. Her mother gave me the other one. Would you believe my daughter- in-law was incredibly sweet to bring the pieces she gave me in a suitcase and her mother did the same thing. That was a gift of love!
Mirrored tiles serve as a table runner and assorted hearts are scattered along with votive candleholders on the tiles. 
Candlelight is always a plus that adds ambiance. I'm glad the old etiquette rules about not lighting candles during the daytime has become outdated. I like the reflection the mirrored tile runner adds and it seems I always use it for my Valentine tables.The pink camellia is named Pink Debutant and the white ones are White by the Gate and White Alba Plena. The red blooms are Professor Sargent. Fatsia seed pods add an unique texture and was fun to discover in my garden as I cut camellias. It was very cold when I was cutting and I had to get gloves and bundle up. I don't often get this much energy but knew it would be a shame not to enjoy my flowers indoors too.The plate stack consists of a gold charger, red dinner plate,cream plates with a wide gold border and lastly a salad plate with a smaller golden border. Ruby red goblets add more festivity with gold flatware and white napkins with a red border.
The varigated pink and white flower is called La Peppermint.
I was sorry I failed to do a close up of the velvet stuffed heart. There are also two other glass ones with etching that I failed to photograph closely. It seems like I am always fighting the waning light to photograph in a hurry and forget to do close ups of the accessories.
Here is a picture of one of the large hearts used in another Valentine post.
I am looking forward to a real Valentine celebration with my husband next week. I will remove all the plates but two. What are your plans?
Again, I apologize for my blogging absence. I have had a few health issues. Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day.
Blessings, Bonnie♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️