Since the tablecloth has birds, I immediately thought of my Cloisonne bird that had just the right colors.
This photo shows how large the plants can get. Look at the third plant from the left. It has multiple spires! Gardening has many surprises.
I read somewhere recently the buds were like little broccoli! I am eagerly waiting for my hydrangeas to bloom. The weather has affected my hydrangeas for a number of years so I am hoping to have many blooms this year!
In my location, which is zone 8, daytime temps have been in the 80’s, so sadly, the foxgloves won’t last much longer. Our nights have been cool so that has helped prolong the foxgloves and my garden is also shady. My friend’s foxgloves are already gone whose garden gets more sun than mine.
Do you plant foxgloves?
The elegant spires are endearing to me. I think of traditional English garden borders I’ve visited in books. I've been to England to the typical tourist areas but not to their gorgeous garden tours. How I would love to visit England firsthand in the spring and see their elegant gardens.